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Monthly Archives: September 2023

Volunteers needed to help Mrs. Wright on Nov 17

On Nov 17, the high school will be hosting a college day with college recruiters here on campus. Mrs. Wright needs volunteers to escort the recruiters to their assigned classroom, help carrying their stuff, setting up, and they will need to know where the break room is.

If you could help them in the morning, you can earn 1 hour credit to your 6 required hours.

You would still be able to participate in college day.

Please let Mrs. Wright know if you are interested in helping.

As always, student volunteers show our school pride for our school to those on the outside.

Show a stranger the Roughneck way by being a volunteer. 🙂

NHS Officer Applications for Seniors 2023-2024

Please print the application and have it completed and returned on or before September 15, 2023.

Read the duties carefully before you apply. Each position is important and you must actively fulfill the duties outlined. A faculty evaluation will be included in this year’s officer selection as well as a vote from the current members. The vote will be held at the end of August.



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