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On Friday, Senior Picture Day/Senior Walk Day, you will be given your stolle to wear. You will keep the stolle in your possession until graduation. Keep it in a safe place! It is your responsibility to return it AFTER the graduation ceremony. Mrs. Frazier will have more instructions, but I wanted you to know.




Our spring project is off and running! Keller has done a great job of looking into an organization that can use our help. Please READ BELOW decide what you can do.


If you are interested in delivering the items, please get with Keller so you can plan with him.


Remember that participating in our spring project is a requirement for your membership. It will also earn hours. You need 6 hours before May. This can count towards that.


Thanks for all you do!

Hopefully next year we will be able to have meetings. It was a scheduling nightmare this year!




NHS Spring Project — supplies for The Martin House

April 17 – May 1

When a child is a suspected victim of sexual or physical abuse or witnesses to violent crimes they’re taken to Martin House Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) for video assessments and physical examinations.

The Martin House CAC is a non-profit organization whose goal is to make the children and families visiting their center feel comfortable and safe. They need items like snacks, toys and art supplies to make these children feel secure when their world is being torn apart.

We will donate the items listed below to help them achieve this goal. Please do your best to donate as many items as you can. Every item plays an important role in protecting children impacted by abuse.

  •  Individually wrapped snacks
  • Drinks (Yoo-hoo & Capri Sun)
  • Crayons
  • Washable markers
  • New unwrapped toys (no guns or knives please)
  • $10-15 Gift Cards (Starbucks, Ulta, Chick-fil-A, Sonic, etc.)
  • Copy paper
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Stamps
  • Disinfecting Wipes
  • Tissues
  • Dish Soap
  • Coffee
  • Creamer
  • Sugar/Sweetner

Each member will receive two hours per item donated, and an additional credit hour if they help deliver the items on May 2. We will schedule a time to present the collected items to their office (606 Garfield Dr Suite D) where they will take pictures for social media.

Applications coming soon! And information concerning the Induction Ceremony.

Hopefully, applications for new members will be handed out on Jan 22. They will be due Feb 5, by 3:50 PM in Mrs. Frazier’s office. This is a hard deadline as in “set-in-stone” and cannot be changed or extended. 

Mark your calendars! The Induction Ceremony is set for March 3 at 2:30 PM. You will receive instructions closer to time for what to wear and when to be there. We will be taking a group picture before the ceremony. If you are a current member, this is required attendance.

Inductees are required by the National Honor Society to go through the Induction Ceremony. This is a requirement for membership.

Fall 2023 News




#1: Please mark your calendars for our Induction Ceremony: March 3, 2024 @2:30. You will need to be there by 1:30 to take our group picture. THIS IS A REQUIRED EVENT FOR ALL MEMBERS.

Dress code:

  1. everyone: nice shoes or clean boots (no athletic shoes, slipper type shoes, or crocs!)
  2. guys: pants and shirt (tucked in), ties are great!
  3. girls: dress (appropriate length and style) or dress pants


#2: Watch for the Spring project to be out after induction. I’m looking forward to what our officers will plan for us to do!


#3: Your total service hours for the year should be a minimum of 6. You acquired 2 hours for contributing to our fall project, which was a GREAT SUCCESS!!! 🙂  Those hours will need to be turned in no later than May 1, 2024. Seniors, get them done or graduate without a stolle. 🙁



Volunteers needed to help Mrs. Wright on Nov 17

On Nov 17, the high school will be hosting a college day with college recruiters here on campus. Mrs. Wright needs volunteers to escort the recruiters to their assigned classroom, help carrying their stuff, setting up, and they will need to know where the break room is.

If you could help them in the morning, you can earn 1 hour credit to your 6 required hours.

You would still be able to participate in college day.

Please let Mrs. Wright know if you are interested in helping.

As always, student volunteers show our school pride for our school to those on the outside.

Show a stranger the Roughneck way by being a volunteer. 🙂

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